Trief-est Company Picnic Ever!
Today is the company picnic at my new job.
It started a few minutes minutes ago, but I'm in no hurry.
Here's the menu and maybe also the reason:
BBQ pork ribs, BBQ chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers and cheese burgers, peel and eat shrimp, clams, etc... etc... etc...
It's scheduled from 11:30 to 2:30 and families are invited - yet work resumes immediately afterwords which is kind of a dirty trick if you ask me.
My kids are in camp, and my husband is working and even if they were free would they want to drive two hours for a two hour party where you can't eat anything?
I wouldn't- I can barely get myself down the stairs.
Did I mention I hate parties? I do.
OK yay for the company picnic.
I'll let you know how it went.
Ok it wasn't so bad, there was a very, very bad DJ so I didn't feel bad about listening to music I didn't enjoy, and I found someone to sit and chat with so that was nice PLUS I forgot about the saving grace of nearly every summer outing/event... Kosher ice cream!
This is soooo not worth blogging about - I just wanted you to know that I knew that ;-)
Y'know, actually, I don't think it's so unblog-worthy. It's sort of a bonding experience - when I've had to go to company events where food is involved, I'm almost always the only one not eating. And I don't even get the kosher ice cream!
Reading about your company experience let's me say, "hey! I can totally relate!"
So you never what might be blog-worthy.
what - no suckling pig?
The more people at an event, often the more objectionable the food.
Fortunately, the boss is Jewish, as is the poor shmoe office manager who usually gets volunteered to organize these events, so.....
Plus imagine the squeels of outrage if the vegetarians (need I mention I live in California?) aren't catered to.
CLAMS? ;-)
Boy I miss the good old days when my company could afford to have an annual picnic! Nowadays they have eliminated such frills as picnics, vacation days, and employees. But on the bright side, costs are way down!
Seriously though, when we did have such events there were always a few kosher folks. We would work with the event organizer to order and pick up a separate kosher spread (usually a batch of sandwiches from the local deli) on the company's dime. Since we were not part of the headcount for the main food order, the cost pretty much evened out, and we didn't feel left out (or hungry!).
Something you might consider for the next such event, if your company is accomodating and considerate enough.
When I worked in various non-Jewish environments in the States, I just chalked up this kind of experience to "show your face so they'll know you consider yourself part of the team," and sip on Coke, smiling and acting like you don't care AT ALL that everyone is eating barbecued meat in front of your face. Then, take yourself out somewhere afterward. :-)
Not me. I am the Lorax, I speak for the trees! But I think I have a second cousin once removed who speaks for the ice cream.
I always loved the Lorax. Yawp!
Hey, at least you got an excuse to blog on the job without a guilty conscience. :)
Ha! reminds me of my surprise work baby shower... at the last minute, hubby remembers to ask the hostess if she knows about our dietary restrictions. So, in addition to the ham sandwiches and plates and plates of shrimp, there was some chicken-caesar-salad with lots of parmesan. (eyes rolling here)
I ate a lot of chips and dips and fruit and tried to be inconspicuous about not taking anything else.
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