Where I've been (or how to get vomit off your sneakers)

Yes, I know I've been quiet lately. One of the pleasures of being an "occasional" blogger is that when life gets busy I don't feel the pressure to blog. Well OK I do, but not the way the "daily" bloggers do.
Still even for me I've been pretty silent so please allow me to catch you up.
Work- Work has been pretty crazy we had a re-org at work and I now report to a new manager. Although she is quite nice since we started working together I can't seem to do anything right! It's not her fault it's just been a lot of weird coincidences - database glitches, mickey mouse mistakes, budget problems, and added volume but it all adds up to crappy first impression.
Family- My youngest AKA "Chavi Kaufman" has been sick. She had strep two weeks ago and is now suffering from a relapse. In my expert medical opinion this was caused by her hiding of her chewable antibiotic tablets under the couch cushions for several days until I got wise to her.
Now she's on liquid medicine after a second thoat culture yesterday morning. She really hates those, they make her gag. After a quick swab of her throat yesterday she promptly puked all over my shoes (pictured above) I'm pleased to report that A) Converse hightops are machine washable and B) Chavi is feeling MUCH better today.
My brother is back in the hospital today for some minor repair work on one of his incision sites... He's getting better but it's been a long haul. If you wanted to put in a good word with the Man Upstairs I certainly wouldn't mind.
My in-laws came for the weekend and no one yelled or cried. I try to set the bar low, and happily my expectations were exceeded.
Blogging- I see that people are still commenting on my "head covering post" with some very diverse and interesting stuff. I hope to do another segment on that topic in the future. I love the way people are comming at this topic from all sides, it's very eye opening (at least for me.)
I hope all of you are doing well, and hopefully you'll see more of my when I dig myself out from my database problems and mountains of laundry.
Glad Chavi is feeling better... there is a kind of pressure one feels when one blogs daily- at least I feel it the most for myself. It's a discipline thing with me, really. It forces me to be somewhat creatvie in my own little way every day...
OOOHhhhhh she Upped on Chuck!!
Best wishes to your brother for a continued refuah shleimah.
Get better, brother Refo'eil C. O. Y.!
Hatzlacha rabba with your work, it's always hard when you're trying to make a good impression and nothing is going right (even though it's not your fault).
Refuah shelaimah to both Chavi and your brother.
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