The Four Meme
Krum tagged me for this one:
Four jobs you've had in your life:
Librarian, data entry clerk, paralegal, graphic artist
Four movies you could watch over and over:
The Princess Bride, the Shawshank Redemption, Clue, When Harry met Sally
Four places you've lived:
New York, New Jersey, Colorado, Boston
Four TV shows you love to watch:
(Love? TV? I don't know about that, here are some I LIKE)
The Daily Show, Good Eats (a wacky sort of food science show on the cooking channel), Grey's Anatomy, SpongeBob SquarePants
Four places you've been on vacation:
Miami, New Hampshire, Cape May (NJ), NYC
Four websites you visit daily:
Gmail, the J-Blogs, Odd Todd, Yahoo Weather
Four of your favorite foods:
Chocolate, Coffee (is that a food?) kabobs, Godzilla Rolls (from Sushi metsuyan)
Four places you'd rather be:
Right now it's: Israel, California, Florida, Hawaii (I'm cold and tired)
Four books you'll read over and over again:
I'm not a big re-reader since there are so many unread books out there.
I do seem to find myself reading the same children's books over and over though...
I thought I'd found a true kindred spirit (especially with Shawshank Redemption and When Harry Met Sally)(and I'm turning 40! *sniff, sniff*) until I got to SpongeBob. Tell me it aint so! You don't really like that show, do you?
Also, what are some of your favorite children's books/ authors? I'm a voracious childrens' book reader and am always on the lookout for winners.
Shifra: And you didn't tag anyone?
(If you don't tag anyone, your vacation wishes don't come true)
And Ayelet - you're ruining a blog posting I was working on!
Jameel you are right, I tag you!
Ayelet - SpongeBob was an after thought, I couldn't come up with a fourth but I do find him pretty funny depending on my mood *laughs like a dolphin*
Tell me what age range you are looking for and I'll give you my favorites.
SpongeBob is so great. I just forgot, which is why my MEME first said "Powerpuff girls", which I do love (sue me).
But a few hours later, we went to a Chanukah party around the block from my house and the kids were all watching SB. Having realized that I love SB, even more than the PPG, I went home, and edited my MEME to say SB.
Weird yes, but the truth must be told.
SW- after I read YOUR list I wanted to change my fourth to PPG!!
It's official we are both dorks!
Four TV shows you love to watch: Wait, that doesn't work. It's been over ten years since I stopped watching TV! Okay, how about 4 series I would actually consider shelling out money for those "Season" dvds of: The Muppet Show; Quantom Leap; Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman; and, ummm, Dr. Who (but I almost said Little House on the Prairie instead.)
See? I win the dork prize! umm, wait, is that a good thing?
Usually these memes are a chore, but I actually like this one - so go ahead and tag me too if you want!
Ooooh Miriam good picks!!
I LOVED Quantum Leap, and Dr. Who!!!
The muppet show is also a classic work of brilliance of COURSE.
I can't say I cared for Dr. Quinn though... wasn't there some hot indian on that program? Maybe I was distracted from the plot....
OK Elie!
Take it and run!
Shifra, love the coffee pick. I had that in my head before I started writing (with the same "is that a food" comment) but it never made it onto the page for some reason (maybe not enough coffee).
Thanks for bringing up SR...that was a great film!
SpongeBob? I don't get it...except for buying SpongeBob junk for my kids.
I'm not sure why I liked Dr. Quinn... strong female character? The plot was pretty weak, IIRC. I just like historical fiction, I guess.
It seems that When Harry Met Sally is a popular movie for us bloggers (mostly women.) I bet many of us identify with Sally! Hmmm?
My husband and I met under coincidental circumstances several times over a course of many years before we got together, and we were friends before we started dating so I guess I do relate to Sally.
SpongeBob is awesome. The Muppet Show was probably my favorite show when growing up. The movies of both of these shows were also wonderful entertainment.
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