Oven, heal thyself!
Well it's Thursday night again and I thought you all might be wondering how things turned out for me and my oven. Well, I took it apart and spent 45 minutes on the phone with Oven-tech-support to determine what I already knew, namely that the pilot was out and no gas was running to the oven. "Don't mess with the gas line," the tech-support person said, "call a repairman." And so I did.
The repairman came when I was not home, he tested the oven, told my husband it was working just fine mentioning some business about a power outtage and the oven resetting (my husband seemed very unclear on this) and charged us $45 for coming out (the one mile he drove to get to us.)
Anyway, my miraculous self-healing oven is back to work tonight.
Final Score: Oven II Shifra 0
i'm sure it's your awesome kavvanah davening that prompted the healing.
Haha! How wonderful. Power outtages and resetting time/ clocks are so exciting! ;)
mabye you're husband made sure the oven lost power?
As I've said before my husband is not handy enough to break an oven much less fix one... but he can wash dishes like nobodies business!
There is actually an oven-help-hotline. Why this frighten me for some reason?
That happened to us a few months ago, fortunately it was still under warranty. You should consider an extended service plan.
Its Oven 2, Shifra -$45
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